b'Music in the ParkA s the sunshine shone overThe season opened with Rumba the final summer 2024 days,DB, who brought fancy toe-2024 ConcertThe Normandy Park Artstapping afro-pop sounds. The Commission finished the 2024next Sunday was Kiki Valera with Series SurgedMusic in the Park season withCuban guitar. There were dancers a standing ovation for Marinawho traveled from distant lands in Popularity Albero and her all-star quintet.just to dance for this show. BATs There were many memorabletheatre performance Fallen Angels performances this year, and thepremiered under the trees the BY RAYMOND STREET weather was clear except for afollowing week. Then Chikiri windy day.and the Taiko drumming school performed a special concert. The coordination and excellence brought out deep rhythms from under the Zen McManigal gazebo. Each week, a new musical group was welcomed to the park. We thank Ben Thomas, Nick Vigarino, Roosevelt Road, and RKO for their amazing presence and style this year. For the jazz finale on August 25, we hosted the wonderful songs of Marina Albero and her All-star We have an array of highly curated 2nd hand Quintet. and new home decor & gifts - all at reasonableThank you to all the great folks prices. We love to update & upcycle our finds.who made this year happen! The Arts Commission looks forward Were 2nd hand, but never bland! to seeing you at their autumn and Open WedFri 11am6pm, SatSun 12pm5pm (Closed MonTues)winter events! 17824 1st Ave S. BurienAcross the street from Normandy Park QFC, next door to KeyBankwww.lucitejungle.com28 Normandy Park City SceneFall 2024'