b'Build Your Calendar of Normandy Park ActivitiesA Walk With Plants Veterans Day Open House Solstice SoireeCome along for a saunter throughEnjoy visiting with other veterans andYoure invited to save the date for our some of Normandy Parks pristineneighbors in advance of the holiday.second-annual Solstice Soiree! Join green spaces to identify and learnCity Hall willyour neighbors and the Normandy about our medicinal and herbal plants. be closedPark Arts Commission for an evening SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2024Monday,of music and art, presenting a handbell WALKER PRESERVE November 11,choir performance by Grace Lutheran. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2024 2024 so weThe doors open at 6:00 pm. Light NATURE TRAILS will celebrateappetizers will be served with a no-host Friday! Join us on the lawn near thewine bar from the Friends of Normandy Blue Star Memorial Garden.Park Foundation. All ages are welcome.Community ForestersFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 2024 Suggested attire: Sparkly Solstice WearJoin us in Marine View Park on the firstCITY HALL PARK SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2024Friday of every month. Volunteers will10-12PM THE COVE, 6-9PMhelp to restore Marine View Park. Just bring your enthusiasm. We will teach you about Forest Restoration.Winterfest Tree Lighting Ceremony Save the Date!FRIDAYS; OCTOBER 4TH AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2024NORMANDY PARK TOWNE CENTER4-7PMNOVEMBER 1ST FROM 10-1PMSATURDAY, DEC 7, 20244:00 - 7:00 PM12th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony & Arrival of Santa FREE Santa hats, music, scavenger hunt with prizes, crafts & SNOWNormandy Park Towne Center 19805 1st Ave S, Normandy Park, WA 98148Normandy Park QFC, Santa Visits, carolers and more 10:30 AM - 12:30 PMLs Lpum oWant to volunteer,sponsor, i m l or reor have booth space? o dContact Susan West at 206-818-6945Help keep our eventEmail: info@friendsofnormandypark.org low cost, donate tonormandyparkwinterfestour venmo!www.NormandyParkWA.gov 17'