b'Generations of Gratitude & GivingShape Normandy Parks Enduring LegacyI n Normandy Park, a legacyIn 2001, Grace and T.A. Wilsonthey live next to, and in the early of gratitude and giving hasbestowed a property to the city todays when this park was getting shaped the community for manycreate a small neighborhood park soestablished, a neighbor named generations. From the early daysthat it could remain a park or openTom Deschner visited Marine pre-dating the citys establishmentspace to be enjoyed by everyoneView Park and cared for it. His (or cityhood) through the present,for years to come. Grace and T.A.trailblazing in the park began the the residents of Normandy ParkWilson Park is highly visible fromprimitive trail network we have have made large and small impactsadjacent streets and offers open lawntoday. The trails are an alternate that have helped shape the city, itsspace, mature trees, picnic tables,and rugged route to the beach, park system, its livability, and itsand benches. This park serves as aoffering a great workout and more micro-neighborhoods.trailhead to Walker Preserve, andchallenge to those who wish to An example that the mayormany people park here and thenhike a rugged trail. Those trails referenced at the beginning ofcontinue to Walker Preserve to hikeare his legacy and will be enjoyed this issue is also one of the mostthe primitive trails inside the park.for years to come. beautiful green spaces in the city:Donations of land are another shiningAdditionally, Marine View Park Walker Preserve. Walker Preserveexample of the transformative powerwas originally owned by Harold H. is where Miller Creek and Walkerof giving back to a community thatHeath. This park was a privately Creek meander alongside primitivehas given so much. owned property whose original walking trails and is a park whoseHeading to the citys south endowner valued natural space, the former caretaker Ron Walker valuedis a park called Marine View Park.environment, and trees. Thanks trees. Those trees still stand today asThis park is a 27-acre park withto Heaths foresight, this property a legacy of his love of nature. But, didpaved trails that lead down to thebecame the park we have today. you know theres also another parkbeach. Often, what we see happenNormandy Park will eventually nearby, located just down the streetwith the parks, is that nearbyopen a new park near the Cove with its own history and legacy?neighbors tend to adopt the parkunofficially called Salmon View 26 Normandy Park City SceneFall 2024'