b'Comparisons of Stick-Frame Construction vs. Modular Construction* Average Dollars per Average Total Square FeetSquare Foot Cost of Guesthouse*Stick-Built construction $181 774 s.f. Modular (pre-fabricated) construction $147 1,695 s.f.** *Data is based on submitted permit applications for detached guesthouses; attached guesthouse applications were excluded from this cost analysis.**Data is from the single current example discussed in this article neighbors, and other residentsconstruction project. This variationis a convenient and approachable watched. In comparison to otheris due largely to the permitoption for guest home/ADU guest house projects, everythingvaluation and degree of pass- construction. quickly came together, with thethrough review. Fees collected willWith regard to affordability, citys building inspector approvingvary as site conditions and levelsthis demonstrates adaptability the final site assembly by theof review are tailored to uniqueand flexibility in the permitting following Thursday.project circumstances.process, adding to the toolbox, Entertainment and onsiteWhatever the project scenario,while preserving Normandy Parks building construction efficiencythe permitting process has so farhidden gem character and aside, the differences speak forshown that modular constructionnatural beauty.themselves in construction type. First, the traditional stick-built review process takes an average of 73 days from submittal toHAVE CONFIDENCE IN issuance, in addition to 15 months of construction to complete. InANY MARKET WITH ME.comparison, this modular project, with its review process, took 47 days and 35 days of construction to complete. Second, the modular delivered more square footage than the stick-built guesthouse equivalent, staying within the NPMCs maximums for GFAR and impervious surface and at a slightly lower cost per square foot. This more bang for less buck approach shows how homeowners can have returns on their investments on the average dollar per square footage cost (see below). Finally (and full disclosure),Leslie Newmanalthough the review times wereRealtor/Brokerless, the total permitting fees for206.769.8882the modular construction projectleslienewman@remax.netwere higher ($6,142 compared toleslienewman.remax.com THE RIGHT AGENT CAN LEAD THE WAY$5,157) than for a similar stick-built www.NormandyParkWA.gov 21'