b'Park. The property owner, Dahlihelped remove ivy Strayer, has worked with theand blackberry city to apply for grants to helpfrom EJ Nist Park.From the smallest act of planting purchase the property and createBy removing the a rich environment for salmon fornoxious ivy, theya tree in the forest to the grandest future generations. That projecthave prepared togesture of leaving behind a park for is underway and will slowly turnmake space forall to enjoy, each legacy, no matter into a park over the next few years,new trees and pending more grant funding. native shrubs inhow small, has had a profound Throughout the history oftheir future visits.impact on the city and its residents.Normandy Park, countless otherThe trees they significant donations have helpedplant will create shape the city into the thrivinga healthier forest community it is today. From theand a more robust, more diversesimply planting a seed of kindness, smallest act of planting a tree inassortment of native plants.the people of Normandy Park the forest to the grandest gestureThis act of caring for the park ishave shown that leaving a legacy of leaving behind a park for all toanother example of how we cancan be as simple as making a enjoy, each legacy has profoundlyeach create a legacy for the City ofdifference in the world around you. impacted the city and its residents,Normandy Park.If you wish to discuss a donation no matter how small. RegardlessFor Normandy Park and itsof land, monetary or otherwise, of size, every contribution is vitalresidents, the legacy of gratitudewith the city, kindly connect to our communitys growth andand giving will continue to thrivewith Aimee Lloyd, Parks and prosperity. On September 14,for generations. Whether throughRecreation Manager at alloyd@thirteen volunteers of all agesraising a family, volunteering, ornormandyparkwa.gov.www.NormandyParkWA.gov 27'