b'This gate connects grandparents to their children and grandchildren for one local family.The Martini Gates of Normandy ParkBY SUE-ANN HOHIMER, DEPUTY MAYORT he 1914 poem, Mendingup with some clever ideas aboutline uninterrupted. Closer Wall, an early masterpiecedesigning good fences thatexamination, however, may reveal of famed poet Robert Frost,bring community together. Locala latch on one side and hinges to a is where the proverb, Good fencesLore refers togated section make good neighbors may havethis specialthat opens the become popularized. Rather thanadaptationIf indeed, goodfence to the allowing the statement to bein the lot- other side. declarative, however, the poetline fencesfences do make goodAs the wonders and perhaps casts doubtbetween manyneighbors, perhaps thestory goes, on the statements validity asNormandybest question is, whatmany of these the poem concludes. Do fencesPark homes as,fences were merely divide or could good fencesMartini Gates.makes a good fence? constructed potentially bring communityDo youduring the together? have one inhousing boom If indeed, good fences do makeyour yard? They are not alwaysof the 1950s, when husbands often good neighbors, perhaps the besteasy to detect. Like many gemstook the only family car to work question is, what makes a goodof Normandy Park, they arefor the day leaving the wife at fence?intentionally hidden. At firsthome to tend to children and the It seems, original settlers toglance, most fences appear tohousehold. Upon his return and Normandy Park may have comeextend the length of the propertyenjoying dinner at 5:30pm around 24 Normandy Park City SceneFall 2024'