b'YOUTH ACTIVITIESPreschool Art Classes Calling all preschoolers for a two-week gift making workshop. This class is designed to give your child a chance to create some beautiful gifts using different art mediums. Each project is fully customizable to your childs skill level, and parent/guardian supervision is required. Your child will get to take home several items that they can choose to keep or gift to others. We even built in some Wiggle Time during each class to get our sillies out of the way and focus on the craft at hand! Dec Mini-Session:December 3, 10 10-11am Ages 1-5 w/ their adult $42R, $47NR Field House Classroom January and February Class information coming soon!School Aged Art ClassesFor grades Kinder-5th. Join us for a fun and engaging two-week gift making workshop. This class is designed to give your child a chance to create some beautiful gifts using different art mediumsSERVING DES MOINES FOR 34 YEARSand their creativity. Parent/guardianWe can help with.Low back painsupervision is not required, but youNeck painare welcome to stay and create withAuto injuriesDisc injuriesyour child if you like. Your child will getNumbness and tinglingto take home several items that theyHeadachescan choose to keep or gift to others.December Mini Session: Here for your health care needs!12/3, 12/10 5:30-6:30pm HERES WHAT WE OFFER: Grades K-5 CHI GENTLE TIC MYOFASCIALROPRAC $27R, $29NR ADJUSTMENTS RELEASE Field House Classroom DECOMPRESSIONMASSAGE December Mid-Day Mini Session:THERAPY12/4, 12/11 AND MORE!! 12-1pm Grades K-5 $48R, $53NR Field House ClassroomMENTION THIS AD AND GET 50%OFF OF YOUR INITIAL EXAMJanuary and February Class(X-RAYS NOT INCLUDED)information coming soon!DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|WINTER 2025|21'