b'Division through the online portalStep 4: Permit Issuance there are any questions about the process, accessed through our website underplease do not hesitate to ask. Once the plans are approved andDo Not Skip Inspections! Skipping Building Division/Permit Applications &all associated fees are paid, our Permitinspections can cause delays and might Information/MyPermits Online. DuringCoordinators will work with the applicantrequire backtracking in your project.this stage, our Permit Coordinatorsto finalize any remaining details. OnceScheduling:are available to answer any questionseverything is approved, you will receive Inspections should be and guide you through the process.your building permit and approvedscheduled in advance (cutoff is 2pm for next Applications are reviewed for compliancedocuments. This permit is your officialday inspections). To book an inspection, use with codes such as the Washington Stateauthorization to begin construction. Itthe automated system on our website or Building Code (WSBC), Washington Stateincludes specific conditions or notes thatcall the inspection line at (206) 870-6531 to Residential Codeyou must follow duringleave a voicemail request.(WSRC), WashingtonWhy the Permitthe construction phaseStep 6: Final Approval and State Energy Code,to comply with localCertificate of Occupancyand other relevantProcess Matters Note: Display the permit codes and regulations. standards adoptedThe building permitvisibly at the job site toOnce construction is complete and by Washingtonprocess is a partnershipavoid potential issuesall inspections are passed, the Building State and the Citybetween the City and itsand have the approvedDivision will issue a Certificate of of Des Moines. Youresidents to ensure safe,plans printed andOccupancy (CO) for new construction or a can access morehigh-quality structures foravailable for inspection. final approval for all other construction. information ineveryone. Code officials,Step 5: Inspections The CO signifies that the building is safe the Des Moinesplan reviewers, andto use and complies with all applicable Municipal Codeinspectors play key rolesregulations. This final step ensures that (DMMC) or Title 14in maintaining safetyInspections areyour structure is ready to be occupied, for Buildings andstandards that helpconducted at variouswhether its a new home, business, or Construction. Congratulations! Your building is now Important:protect the communitystages of constructionother type of facility.Make sure yourfrom potential hazards.to verify that work isready to be occupied.application isWith their expertise, codeproceeding accordingTips for a Smooth Permit Process complete beforeto the approved plans submission toofficials bring buildingand is compliant withStart Early:avoid delays.codes to life, ensuringbuilding codes. Key Refer to thethat our buildings areinspection stages may The review process can resilient and meet safetytake time, so start your application adopted codes,include foundation,Be Thorough:the Des Moinesexpectations. framing, electrical,early, especially for larger projects.Municipal Code,plumbing, and final Make sure all necessary documents are included and desmoineswa. inspections. EachCommunicate: gov for moreinspection must bewith your application to avoid delays.information.scheduled in advance,Stay in contact with and any issues identified by the inspectorthe Building Division and respond Step 3: Plan Review must be addressed before moving to thepromptly to requests for additional next phase. It is important not to skipinformation.any inspections, especially rough-inFor more information or to get After submission, the plans goinspections as that can cause the job tostarted on your next project, navigate to through a formal review process bycome to a halt and even go backwardsdesmoineswa.gov or contact the City of our Building Division. The reviewin order for inspectors to have theDes Moines Building Division at building@ensures that the design meets safety andopportunity to review for compliance. Ifdesmoineswa.gov. Were here to help you building standards, including structuralbuild safely and successfully.integrity, fire safety, accessibility, and energy efficiency. Depending on the complexity of the project, this review may involve multiple departments, such as Fire, Planning, and Engineering. Any corrections needed will be communicated to the applicant, and revisions may be required before the permit can be issued. While our review time can vary, it usually is 4-6 weeks for first comment or approval and 3 weeks per revision. Tip: A high-quality initial submission can reduce the overall review time significantly.DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|WINTER 2025|15'