b'T he building permit process canBuildin City of Des Moines, Washington Understanding theg Review and Building Permit Process Inspection Process A Step-By-Step Overview Building Review and Inspection Process: but it plays a critical role inA Step-By-Step Overviewsometimes seem overwhelming,ensuring the safety, quality, andPlanning and Preparing YourSubmit Your Permit Applicationcompliance of structures throughoutApplication Plans and documents are our community. In this article, well walkPlan your project and gather requiredsubmitted through our online you through the key steps of the buildingdocuments. Consult with one of ourportal as part of the building permit process and provide some usefulPlanners for zoning and land usepermit application process.tips to help you navigate it smoothly. guidance as needed. Working with Our Team Will Guide You Throughqualified professionals helps expedite the Process the process and minimize revisions.Before diving into the details, its important to understand critical roles certain staff members have who willPlan Reviewassist you every step of the way: Plans are reviewed for compliancePermit IssuancePlanners:The Planning Divisionwith safety, fire, structural, zoningOnce approved and fees are paid, plays an essential role in the early stagescodes, and more. Corrections mayyour building permit is issued, of your project. Planners help ensure thatbe required, typically taking 4-6allowing construction to begin. your project meets all zoning and landweeks for initial review and 3 weeksDisplay it visibly on-site.use requirements before it enters theper revision.building permit process. They provide guidance on site-specific regulations, such as setbacks, height limits, and allowable uses, which are crucial for a successful permit application. Planners also conduct pre-application meetings toInspections Final Inspection and Approvalidentify potential challenges early in theInspectors visit the constructionAfter construction is complete, a final process, making it easier for you to movesite at key stages to ensure toinspection is conducted to ensure forward confidently. You can contactwork complies with the approvedeverything is in compliance before the them at dmplanning@desmoineswa.govplans and the DMMC. project is approved for use or or call (206) 870-7576. occupancy.Permit Coordinators:These are the friendly faces who help facilitate the entire process. They are your main point of contact, ready to answer anyOffice 206.870.4595WA 98198www.desmoineswa.govquestions you may have and guide youand compliant. Their expertise spansproject complies with building codes and through each phase of your project.everything from structural integrityzoning regulations. Its important to work Permit Coordinators ensure that to fire safety, making sure your projectwith qualified professionalssuch as your application is complete and helpmeets all necessary requirements. architects, engineers, or contractors21630 11 thAvenue S. | Des Moines, WA 98198 troubleshoot any issues that arise duringYour Applicationwho understand the specific requirements the review. They will issue permits andStep 1: Planning and Preparing Certificates of Occupancies, facilitateof your project. This also helps to expedite the review process as there tends to be fees, inspection requests, and more.The first step in the applicationStart early! The sooner you start fewer revisions required, if any.You can contact them at building@ process is planning your project andgathering documents and consulting desmoineswa.gov or call (206) 870-7576. gathering all necessary information.professionals, the smoother your Inspectors/Plan Examiners:TheyFor most residential or commercialprocess will be.are responsible for ensuring that allprojects, youll need a detailed site building projects meet the adoptedplan, construction drawings, and otherStep 2: Submitting Your Applicationcodes and standards designed to protectdocumentation. Required or informational public safety. They review building plans,forms and documents can be found on conduct site inspections, and provideour website under Building Division/ Once your plans are ready, youll code interpretations to guarantee thatPermit Applications & Information. Thesesubmit them along with a permit every building in the community is safedocuments help ensure that the proposedapplication to the Citys Building 14|DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|WINTER 2025'