b'mount rainier poolCoommmmuunniittyyBBuuiillddiinnggRecognizing the opportunitiesCswimming offers, King County openedT he pool is a social hub, f, fososttering ering The pool is a social hubfriendships and support networks in orks in Mount Rainier Pool on Sept. 15, 1975,friendships and support netwas part of its Forward Thrust programa w oming envirvironment. Effonment. Efforts orts a welcelcoming eninclude $1 acccesess das dayys and $150s and $150,,000 000 to establish 16 public pools across theinclude $1 acinvvesestted in frjurisdiction.in ed in free pree progrogramming oamming ovver er fiv e years.Thirty-five years later, during thefive y ears.ReeccrreeaattiioonnaannddEEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeennttworst economic downturn since theRGreat Depression, Des Moines votersT he pool proovides a spacThe pool pr vides a space fe for yor year-ear-supported keeping the pool open,r ound relaxelaxaation, hostion, hosting open sting open swims, wims, round rhighlighting the value of swimming. e ents, and competitions.evvents, and c ompetitions.MeennttaallHHeeaalltthhVoters recognized the tremendousMTime spent in wopportunities our pool offers: T ime spent in waatter can rer can reduceduce se strtresess, s, anxiety , and depresession, prsion, promoting omoting Educationalanxiety, and depro all mental well-being.ell-being.Swim lessons, water safety events, andovvererall mental wlifeguard training provide pathways toE onomic ImpactEcconomic Impactcareers in aquatic environments. FreeT he pool attrttracts home-buyThe pool a acts home-buyers ers lifeguard certifications are availableand y oung familiesseeking and young f amiliesseeking public amenities and creaeattes jobs es jobs for those who commit to work for us. public amenities and crHealth and Fitnessfor lif eguards and insf or lifeguar ds and instructtructors, ors, c ontributing to eco economic gronomic groowth.wth.Swimming improves cardiovascularcontributing thealth and flexibility, especiallyIt been 50 50 rreewwararding ding yyears ears and and wwerere e Its s been for older adults. Last summer, weeagerly w orking on opportunities to o eagerly working on opportunities tenhanced swimming skills across allk eep swimming s benefits coming foming for or keep s wimmings benefits cages by offering over 1,000 lessons. futur e generaations. Stions. Statay tuned.y tuned.future generMount Rainier Pool22722 19 thAve S, Des Moines, WAOperated by the Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park Districtwww.MtRainierPool.com206 824-4722'