b'Command Staff ConnectionsYour Chief and Assistant ChiefsChief Ted BoeA L I grew up out Meittle Abin a small town in Wisconsin before moving to Federal Way during middle school. After graduating from Federal Way High School, I earned my Bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington. Later, I pursued a Masters Degree at the Naval Postgraduate School, focusing my thesis on procedural justice in police hiring and training. (Yes, it sounds fancy, but trust me, its all about fairness and transparency!) Ive been happily married to my wife, Marci, for 27 yearsshes an amazing elementary school librarian! We have two teenage daughters, Harley and Amelia, who keep life lively and fun. Im eager to connect with all of you and hear your ideas on how we can work together to keep Des Moines a safe and welcoming place. ement JourneyMy Law Enfor s in law enforcement, my career began as a With 24 year csheriffs deputy in rural areas east of Redmond. Ive taken on various rolesfield training officer, patrol sergeant, operations captain, and morebefore serving as Police Chief in Burien forAssistant Chief Cory Stanton six years. I have achieved my FBI National Academy Certification in leadership in addition to holding an executive levelA Little About Mecertification from the Washington State CriminalI grew up in California (dont hold that against me!) Justice Traininguntil the age of 13, after which I spent the next five years Commission.moving around the Northwest. In 1997, I finally settled Now, Im excitedin Western Washington, where Ive lived ever since. I to bring myearned my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice from experience to Desthe University of Phoenix and am currently pursuing a Moines! Masters in Organizational Leadership. My wife, Jamie, Policinghy and I have been happily married for 18 years. Together, Philosop we have two daughters, three sons, and two adorable twin granddaughters. When were not busy driving to various I believesports and school events, we love traveling by planes, trains, and automobiles to explore new places.that the mostMy Law Enforcement Journeyeffective and efficient policeIve been in law enforcement for 19 years, starting my departments arecareer as a sheriffs deputy in Southeast King County. I spent those that focusseven years assigned to the city of Maple Valley, which is on alignment withwhere my passion for city policing truly began. During my their community.time with the King County Sheriffs Office (KCSO), I held A famous idealistvarious roles, including Captain of Contract Services, Media in early policing& Communications, Community Engagement, and Recruiting. once stated, theI also served as a Master Police Officer, Sergeant, Drug police are theRecognition Expert, BAC/SFST Instructor (DUI enforcement), public and the public are the police. To me, this means we haveEmergency Vehicle Operations Course Instructor, and PTO to listen in order to understand, partner in order to increase(FTO) Program Manager. Now, I am honored to bring this effectiveness, and take action to demonstrate our commitment toexperience to the city of Des Moines and support the men addressing illegal behavior. and women of the Des Moines Police Department as we work 12|DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|WINTER 2025 together to serve our community.'