b"BY MARINA TANAY, SUMNERBONNEY LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICTIt's Time to Get OrganicH ave you checked the map yet? You know, the 2024 Business Organics Management Area (BOMA) map. You can find it on the Department of Ecologys website. (ecology.wa.gov) Its rather important to check the website and see if your district has to arrange organics management services to reduce your organics material waste and to comply with Washington state law. Effective this year, RCW 70A.205.545 has a big impact on how organics waste materials aremanaged, as well as efforts toorganic waste, including handled in the state. The Washingtonreduce waste. collection, transportation, and State Organics Management Act ofEducation and outreachdisposal or composting.2022 also has several implications forefforts are encouraged to3. Implement Collection and Sorting schools. Beginning January 1, 2025, ifinform students, staff, and theProcedures: Set up systems for a school or site generates at least fourcommunity about the importancecollecting and separating organic cubic yards of organic material wasteof organic waste diversion andwaste from other waste streams.per week, the district must arrangeproper waste management4. Educate and Train Staff and for organic materials managementpractices. Students: Provide training on service. Beginning January 1, 2026, theSchools may need to developproper waste sorting and disposal threshold changes to four cubic yardseducational materials andpractices and raise awareness of solid waste per week (the size of aprograms to raise awareness andabout the importance of organic 96 gallon recycling container).promote participation in organicwaste diversion.waste reduction and recycling5. Partner with Waste Management What does compliance mean: initiatives. Services: Identify composting Schools are required to separateNon-compliance with the Actfacilities or partners for waste organic waste, including foodmay result in penalties, includingdisposal or processing and scraps, food-soiled paper, andfines, for schools failing to meetestablish necessary contracts.yard waste, from other solidthe requirements for organic6. Monitor and Report: Keep waste streams. waste separation and reporting. records of waste generation and Schools need to implementmanagement efforts and submit strategies to reduce theirAction items for schools: required reports to regulatory organic waste footprint, such as1. Organic Waste Assessment:authorities.composting programs and foodEvaluate the types and amounts7. Promote Awareness: Develop waste reduction initiatives. of organic waste generated by theeducational materials and Schools are required to reportschool. programs to educate the school annually on the amount of2. Develop a Waste Management organic waste generated andPlan: Create a plan for managingcontinued8 WAMOA JOURNALSUMMER 2024"