b'Board Minutes, continuedI feel that we can move this forwardInput on what the group feels isMembership Katie Granado- 229 and build a great board manual for theimportant to have in the manual,active members, 30 ed associate future and to have the continuity of thenew board members ideas on whatmembers, 6 non educational organization moved forward for yearthey feel would be information thatmembers, 365 ed partner members, to come.will help people understand the40 honorary members, 77 retired Areas that we could us someorganization. membersadditional input: Please check out the current work onProfessional DevelopmentCisco Executive Coordinator Jobthe board manual here. Gomez- Katie shared information on Description Legislative Doug Vanderleest- Greatupcoming costs for 2025 Leadership. Brief description of the Keymovement on M-SOC, work with AEA,Have bought books. Things are Programs Had 26 meetings with legislatures Dayin order for our event. Only two Financial Information for theon the hill, 30 meetings with Mitchsponsorships are left. Financial portion of the manual and Doug. Talked about SCAP funding.Communications-Marina Tanay- Drafted publications guidelines for submissions to the Journal to share with ed partners and others who want to submit articles. Wanted to schedule a committee meeting for March 7, but a family emergency has come up, so I will send out something to set a new meeting date.TACKelly Gregg/Devlin Piplic-No ReportTechnology Operations-VacantOld Business: New Business: Meeting adjourned at 10:56am.Next Board Meeting Date:May 15th - 9am, Zoom July 17-19, Residence Inn, Wenatchee December 6, SpokaneUpcoming Events:WASA trade show booth March 18Katie & Paul attendingLeadership Seminar March 21 & 22, 2024 Enzian Inn, LeavenworthRTS Region 3 June 27Battleground HS. 42 WAMOA JOURNALSUMMER 2024'