b'Region RTS Events: Region 7R egion 7 filled Leona Libby Middle School in West Richland on June 20th with 170 school district attendees from 17 different school districts, as well as ESD 123. The planning committee composed of Britton Vanness, Jeff Hosler, Alicia Cole, Kelly Gregg and David Jagannath really outdid themselves with sessions included retirement planning, fentanyl and overdose prevention response, robotics for turf management, and protecting chain of custody with an efficient receiving/distribution process. Belfor, HD Supply and WCP Solutions are appreciated for their sponsorship of the event. And special thanks also go to Richland School District, RSD Nutritional Services, RSD Tech Support, and Dr. Shelly Redinger, RSD Superintendent, who welcomed participants and gave opening remarks. Your built environment partner forOptimized and high efficiency learning environments Streamlined and data-rich maintenance and operations systems High performing buildings that keep students safe, warm and healthy Robust funding strategyand procurementATINUM PARTN EEngaging students, staff and thePL R community in energy and costsavings efforts through powerEDContact together@mckinstry.comVisit our website mckinstry.com28 WAMOA JOURNALSUMMER 2024'