b'Student Corner, continuedduring my junior year. A group ofMy entire educational journey hasa fondness for his dedication to the seniors decided to vandalize ourbeen impacted by our maintenancestudents. His commitment to his school in the middle of the night withand operations teamthe peoplework has impacted the way I view eggs, toilet paper and fish. Our entireand the products of their work.the workforce, and the ripples of his maintenance and operations staffI can cite numerous occasionsefforts to make our school district arrived on-site at the high school andwhere I have been impacted bya better place will be felt for a very began cleanup. Their efforts weretheir readiness and willingness tolong time.so fast and thorough that they hadassist us, as well as their kindnessIn short, I will always be proud the majority of the mess cleaned upand patience with the students. Iof the maintenance and operations before school started. Our district iscan confidently say that my highteam at my school district. Their lucky to have such an amazing teamschool career would not haveefforts have impacted every step of that works so quickly and with sobeen nearly as successful withoutmy educational journey and their much passion that our education andthem. I am especially proud ofdedication to our community will athletics are never hindered.my dad and the work that he hascontinue to inspire me. Ill certainly I could speak for hours about theirdone in this field. He is the mostmiss seeing my dad on campus efforts. Theyve plowed streets andhardworking person I know, andcompleting jobs that will better parking lots after every snow storm;seeing his passion for what he doesour school, but I will always carry theyve kept our schools spotlesshas been incredibly inspiring forhis sense of pride and his diligence no matter the mess, and theyveme. Ill always remember each timewith me, two lessons that will consistently demonstrated theirIve seen him on campus, diligentlyundoubtedly benefit every one of my dedication to us, the students. doing his job, and being filled withfuture endeavors.GOLD PARTNER We Know School Safety Access Weworkwithhundredsofschools acrossmultipledistrictstoprovide IBC and ADA compliant ramps and dumpsteraccesssystemsforsafe anduser-friendlyperformanceso students,teachers,andstaffcan focus on education. 866.935.9255 sales@worksafeaccess.com24 WAMOA JOURNALSUMMER 2024'