b'Board Minutes, continued I am attending the RTS planninga thorough understanding of thetogether a Students Corner in meetings that Devlin has beenimportance of WAMOAs mission. Thethe Journal spotlighting interns, organizing. daughter of an M&O Supervisor andscholarship winners, summer Elections & Programs Jeff HoslerWAMOA member, Hanna has grownworkers/student workers in M&O John Helmlinger Scholarship Scholarsup seeing first-hand the collaborationand grounds. Sumner-Bonney Announced between maintenance operations andLake currently has a program for -Member Scholars the classroom/student environment Community Base students where Jessica Beehner and Shaun Humes,a relationship that will serve her welltwo of these students work with the both of Washougal S.D. received aas a professional educator. grounds department a couple days a scholarship for their BOC training.Environmental Health & Safety Chair- week. Ill put together an article about Their desire to continue theirJeff Rogers-1. Vape cartridge disposalthe program with some photos for the professional development for the updates coming from DOH next issue.service of their district made thisa. Batteries In addition, Im working with a couple an easy award for the Scholarshipb. Chemical of districts to put together an article Committee to make.2. Blood Trauma Kits Mandate -about the new Organics Waste -Student ScholarsTheSharing as this may fall into the AED,Management law for the next issue.reimbursement of the memberNarcan locations bracket and thenI believe Jeff Rogers is working on scholarships awarded was low enoughwho does oversite of program? Lawsan article regarding the pesticide for us to award two full studentand Regulations | Washington Stateprogram.scholarships. Department of Health We have a new Submission Guidelines -Caleb Johnson, a 2022 graduatea. Location of equipment document and need to decide if we of Richland High School, will beb. Inspections want to put that on the website or applying the scholarship towards anc. Budget send it to Ed Partners so that they can apprenticeship in the Sheet Metald. Department submit articles for the Journal as well.JATC. In addition to scoring high inBoard Development Michael Pauley-TACKelly Gregg/Devlin Piplic-the application evaluation, CalebNo reportFocused on filling community represents WAMOAs desire toConference Committee-Alicia Lawver- positions. Working building conditions. support trade-bound professionals. AMeet with Katie and Alica C, KeynoteWorking on SCAP. Working on Capital year removed from graduation, as hespeakers have been secured, cornholeprototypical funding model. WAMOA worked to get into his apprenticeshiptournament, Need more workshopis on the committee. Small district program, Caleb also represents apresenters modernization funding. demographic that WAMOA wantsLegislative Doug Vanderleest- NoTechnology Operations-Vacantto include but is hard to identify reportOld Business:students in a post-secondary gapMembership Katie Granado- ActiveNew Business: Katie is moving to who are no longer on any institutions237, Ed Associate 31, non-EducationalConnecticut. Would like to continue record. Calebs mom is a Capital6, Honorary 40, Retired 78, Edin the same role. Executive Board has Projects Director and WAMOAPartners 387 met and would like her to continue. member. He has seen, intimatelyProfessional DevelopmentCiscoWill discuss more in July. through her work, the importance ofGomez- Leadership did not sell outMeeting adjourned at 10:53am.design, construction, and operationsthis year which was good. We need toNext Board Meeting Date:on the student experience. review cost again. It was about $9000July 17-19, Residence Inn, Wenatchee-Hanna Vanness, a senior at Connellcost to WAMOA. Leadership will beDecember 6, SpokaneHigh School, will be applying theback Enizan inn next year.Upcoming Events:scholarship towards a degree inCommunications-Marina Tanay-RTS:Education at the University of Idaho.The committee met in March andRegion 7 June 20Richland Hanna scored the highest on thesuccessfully put together the SpringRegion 9 June 25 - Everettapplication evaluations, but scoresJournal, deadline April 19.Region 3 June 27Battleground HSaside, Hannas responses exhibitThe committee would like to put 30 WAMOA JOURNALFALL 2024'