b'is apart of. $271 to $375 per foot although the cost is around $600 per foot. WAMOA will be conducting three BOARD MINUTES Regional Training Seminars (RTS) in 2024; region 3, 7, and 9. John Morris is retiring and stepping down from his Co-Regional Representative WAMOA BOARD MEETING group of 22 people discussed fundingposition in region three. WAMOA Date: May 15, 2024 of bonds and SCAP funding, to addengages in the funding of K-12 Zoom Meeting 9:00am to the governors report and removeeducation advocacy. WAMOA is In Attendance: the super majority vote of bonds.a representative on the Alliance of President: Travis Bown Make SCAP funding easy to access.Educations Associations (AEA) and Vice President: Devlin PiplicThe partnership between Bonville andprioritizes staff allocation formulas, Sec/Treasurer: Geoff Lawson WAMOA is going well, ton of work onrevisions of fund pupil transportation Executive Coordinator: Katie Granadobaselines, pause of effort, Presidentfunding, and ensuring adequate school Past President: Marina Tanay Biden is awarding grants, program isfacilities. WAMOA has partnered R1:Jerry Page, Justin East aligned with the presidents grants,with American Institute of Architects, R3: John Morris, Jessica Beehnercurrently 34 groups with Bonville,Washington Council to share a R4: Jacob Cornwall only 20 schools would qualify. Thevision on ensuring adequate school R5: Joe Vlach application will be due in one month.facilities in construction and lifecycle R6N: Tennille Henry $ 16 million was awarded to the 20considerations for construction. R6S: Shawn Sandvig, Michael Knaack schools, lasting for 5 years. BonvilleWAMOA is also serving on a R7: Britton Vanness,is interested in continuing workingWashington Office of Superintendent R8: Tim Engh, Paul Harrison with WAMOA. The executive boardof Public Instructions (OSPI) School R9: Trevor Bell, Kory Loresch is continuing to work with Bonville.Construction Assistance Program Governance & Compliance, ElectionsQuestions Joe Vlach: What about(SCAP) committee where we are & Programs: Jeff Hosler schools that do not qualify for thisstudying the pros and cons of the Environmental Health & Safety Chair:project. The pilot program about 6current SCAP funding model. We Jeff Rogers school districts and 34 buildings,will collaborate with legislators to Ed Partners: Alicia Cole, Matt Kealoha focusing on the 20 buildings that willrecommend changes to funding for Not Present:receive the money, Bonville is securedschool construction allocation. The R2: Randy Acker, Orlando Cerrillo about, dont know if it will movefirst committee meeting is on June 17, R4: Michael Pauley forward, if we get the grant it would2024.R5: Michael Dyer last for 5 years. WAOMA will continueSecretary/Treasurers Report. R6N: Chris Dillon to speak and share energy use of theGeoff Lawson- Do I have a motion R7: David Jagannath of district and advocate for our needsto approve last meeting minutes? Legislation: Doug Vanderleestfor the legislature. We would not beDevlin made a motion and Marina Conference: Alicia Lawverapart of the handing out the grantmade a 2nd, it passed. Reported on TAC: Kelly Greggmoney, we will continue the currentthe Balance sheet and Profit and Loss. Professional DevelopmentCiscorole.Motion to accept the financial report. Gomez Vice Presidents Report. DevlinMoved by Michael, 2nd by Marina, it Call to Order 9:02am. Piplic We have John Morris steppingpassed. Presidents Report. Travis Bown Isdown and recognize him for all his1.4 Immediate Past President Report. there a motion to adopt agenda, Timwork. Please thank him or reach outMarina Tanay- Engh and 2nd by Shawn Sandvig, itto him. WAMOA is advocating forTalked to a group from commerce passed. Reporting about meeting withk-12 funding. K-12 funding is not doingand WSU about district finance and a group from the governors group,well. Building relationships with otherpriorities for districts to move energy OSPI is assigned to our group. Thegroups. SCAP funding, WAMOAcompliance. There is a disconnect 26 WAMOA JOURNALFALL 2024'