b'projects in the valley and we have teamed with them onMaintenance staff as energy specialists. These recent some of those as well. As a group, they work on cleaningcollege graduates learn building automation systems, up planting beds and small storm retention areas, pruningEnergy Star Portfolio Manager, and other district systems trees and shrubs, picking up litter, spreading play chips,to help grow the energy management program and further sprucing up playgrounds, hauling trash, etc. Again, gainingthe districts endeavors to meet Clean Building Performance real-world work experience and providing service to theirStandards. In a district without a HVAC technician on staff, own community.our energy specialists provide vital support for identifying I was not ready for the emotion that I felt in seeing theseissues in our HVAC control systems, sometimes way before student interns working so hard to showcase their abilitiesa comfort complaint comes in, says Marina Tanay, Capital out in the community. It is quite heartwarming to say theProjects/Facilities Manager, who provides supervision for least. They are VERY visible to the community and they arethe fellows. Weve made great strides in benchmarking building their own future opportunities for employment.our buildings and getting our Operations & Maintenance Every one of the CBT interns, staff and the entire M&O teamProgram and Energy Management Program developed are thrilled to be part of something so special. You can hearfor each school. I cant imagine tackling this without their the pride in their voices and you can see it on their faces.support.The only challenge we faced was the transporting ofBringing students into the maintenance environment the (student) interns from site to site. We worked withrequires commonsense, great communication, and a our friends in the Transportation Dept. to have select staffwillingness to step outside of your comfort zone. But complete an internal driving safety course emphasizing thethe rewards for both students and staff outweigh the safe transporting of students. Easy-peasy.discomfort. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a student youve worked with get a job that they are CLIMATE FELLOWSHIPS passionate about or take pride in their accomplishments. Since the 22-23 school year, Sumner-Bonney Lake hasIt is one of the best feelings Ive had in my professional been fortunate to have Climate Fellows assisting thecareer, Marina concludes. PLATINUM PARTNE R RESULTS YOU CAN STAND ONWAMOA JOURNALFALL 2024 19'