b'about the financial issues.Rep, John Morris, provided a pizza lunch for the meeting. 1.5 Executive Coordinator Report. Katie Granado Thank you John!WAMOA had a trade show booth at WASAs small schoolIn April Shaun Katz from Detec Systems provided our conference in March, great turn out and lots of interest ingroup with a presentation on Electronic Leak Detection for joining WAMOA. Spent last week in Tacoma at WASBOsRoofing, Waterproofing and the Building Envelope which conference with a trade show booth. Another great turnprovided us all with a lot of insight into specifications we out, thank you to those who volunteered to help man theshould be sure to maintain in our bid docs for roof projects. booth. In addition to his presentation, Shaun was also kind enough Region Reports: to sponsor and provide lunch for the entire group.Region 1Jerry Page & Justin East- Region 1 did notOur May meeting will be a WSDA update 2024 presented conduct a meeting in March, with date conflict to theby WSDA (Washington State Department of Agriculture) Leadership Conference in Leavenworth. Aprils meetingwhich will earn all the Public Operators one recertification was well attended with 19 members and partners. Twocredit towards maintaining their credentials.non-partner affiliates attended the meeting, with anRegion 4Michael Pauley & Jacob CornwallMeetings emphasis to enforce membership participation. Mayare going well, great lectures, Viking Pure about sanitation s meeting will be held the day (5/16) after our Boardand disinfection. Our attendance is improving, 25 plus, mtg. The May meeting will be conducted outdoors withcontinue to provide good information, playground safety. members participating in a playground inspection clinicRegion 5Joe Vlach & Shawn Sandvig- Region 5 continued from Spokane Regional Health District. to meet in person at the Central Kitsap School District Region 1 rosters lost three and gained two school members.Maintenance building (GMC), in Silverdale, WA. Justin and I are working to include new partner membersWe were unable to hold a March meeting due to schedule as they become involved in meeting participation. Aconflict with the Leadership Seminar.meeting for our Region in June will be evaluated in this months meeting. Seeking an attendance poll for thosecontinued next pagemembers who wish to attend the Region 7 RTS in West Richland.Region 2Randy Acker & Orlando Cerrillo- April not only showers but a good turn out of 15 members JoeYour built environment partner forwith Kustom Restoration provided us a great lunch of Dickies BBQ. Dave Mousel from Tremco gave us a greatOptimized and high efficiencypresentation on roof maintenance. This was our firstlearning environments meeting in the new time slot of the 2nd Thursday of theStreamlined and data-rich month. I think it was well received. We finished with amaintenance and operations systemsroundtable discussion mostly about district cuts and budgets for School Districts.High performing buildings that keepMay brought us flowers and several new members tostudents safe, warm and healthyRegion 2. We had 11 members attend (mostly School Robust funding strategymembers). Lunch again was sponsored by Joe Lowe withand procurementKustom Restoration. Orlando gave a great Presentation on how L&I claims are handled in our region. We then hadEngaging students, staff and thea round table discussion about safety and talked aboutcommunity in energy and costthis summer and that we will not have any meetings insavings efforts through powerEDJuly or August. I also asked them to start thinking about LATINUM PARTNEnominations for our Co-chair election this fall. P RRegion 3Jessica Beehner & John Morris-ED Partner Presentation -Richard Prewitt with Prewitt Hardwood Floors presented to us in March on gym floors 101. HeContact together@mckinstry.comcovered things like the effects of space temperature onVisit our website mckinstry.comfloors, cleaning, and different finishes. Our own Region 3 WAMOA JOURNALFALL 2024 27'