b'Board Minutes, continuedApril, we had 11 attendees. We werePartners in attendance. We had a very good question and excited to see South Kitsap bringRegion 7David Jagannath & Brittonanswer discussion throughout 3 attendees. In addition, Lexi fromVanness- We are putting togetherthe presentation. We again had Catchall returned. We also had Longan RTS for June 20, Reschedule the5 members, 6 ed partners. JRCC bring a new attendee. We debriefedmeeting for two meetings. No meetingprovided Lunch.Day on the Hill and held discussionfor May. Working with Pasco andWe also discussed having some kind about Meshify temperature andKennewick to get them more involvedof summer meetings and it was agreed humidity sensors.with WAMOA. Having the RTS free isto not have one until September. I Our May meeting is this Thursday,really important.also brought up elections for reps. 5/16. We will have our end-of-yearRegion 8Tim Engh & Paul Harrison-in September and to have everyone celebration, including the years recapRegion 8 has held two region meetingsthinking about an RTS planning and discussion. since the last Board meeting bothcommittee for our RTS in 2025.Region 6NChris Dillon & Tennilleheld at the Chelan School DistrictsRegion 9Trevor & Kory Loresch- We Henry- Good turnout at lastMaintenance department hosted byare currently meeting at Bobs Burgers meeting, talked about last leadershipmember Rosey Burkhard in Everett on the first Thursday of each conference, had a good discussion.April 10th, we had Jared Whitakermonth. We are averaging between Region 6S Michael Knaack- Marchfrom Planet turf present. Overseeding18-24 attendees with a high of 33% 18 Our monthly meeting had Rebeccaand interceding grass, why beneficial.of attendees being School employees. Sheppard from NEEC present onWe also discussed the LeadershipOur Ed Partners have been assisting the Building Operators CertificationConference and what we enjoyed andwith planning our upcoming Regional Program and the Tool Lending Librarygot out of it. We also had a lively roundTraining Session and a special . We had 12 school district memberstable discussion on Levy and Bondthank you to Jeff McManus for his and 20 Ed Partners in attendance.issues and how they are affecting ourexceptional support through this April 15 Our monthly meeting haddistricts. 5 members, 6 Ed partnersprocess. We have a great line-up of Lexie Papastavrou from Catchalland 2 guests in attendance. HD supplyclass offerings and some wonderful Environmental present a slide showprovided lunch. speakers arranged for this event. on the basics and rules aroundMay 8th, Mark Sherwood fromNext steps for the planning team stormwater management. We hadCanfield associates presented.will be to follow up with the area 6 school district members and 16 EdPreventative maintenance. why?districts to sign up as we really look forward to this program supporting our teams. ServPro will be sponsoring our June meeting with a special BBQ and presentation collaboration with Catchall at the Lynnwood ServPro site.Below you will find a short description of our recent meetings:March: This month our presenter was Kodye Floyd with Buckeye International. He spoke about services and support offered to the industry including the Honors Training program that can be utilized for inspections and proper cleaning methods. GOLD PARTNERApril: This meeting included apresentation by Cassie Klein with Wolf Gordon that covered wall repair, prep, and project delivery. Discussion of products that can enhance the 28 WAMOA JOURNALFALL 2024'