b'I well-being of our community is of utmost importance. Monicas ability to make swift, informed decisions is Meet Our GPS Teams Crisis Response Specialist: Monica T. Laran a city that constantly evolves, ensuring the safety andcomplemented by her empathetic approach, ensuring that the At the forefront of this mission is Monica T. Lara, our Gettinghuman element is never lost in the midst of crisis management.People Services (GPS) Teams Crisis Response Specialist, whoFor more information about Monica and the GPS Teams crisis plays a pivotal role in navigating complex emergency situationsresponse initiatives, click the QR code or visit our website for with calm expertise and dedication. updates and resources. elp:Navigating Through Crisis with Expertise When to Call For H u know exhibits any of the following:GPSGetting People Services with the Des Moines Police Department.If you or someone yoThis team focuses on taking a holistic approach to lawThoughts of suicide, serious depression or other mental enforcement encounters with persons experiencing behavioralhealth concerns.health issues. Feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or others.Whether responding to in-progress calls or conducting follow up, the goal of the GPS Team is to divert individuals from theIncreased mental health symptoms making it difficult to traditional criminal justice system and redirect them to the mostattend work, school or family.appropriate resources. Disorganization making it difficult to seek shelter, food or Monica Lara holds a BachelorsWa attend to basic needs. ental Health Crisis:degree in Psychology and a Mastersrning Signs of a Mdegree in Psychology and Child Development. With a career spanningA mental health crisis can display in a variety of ways. There several years in social services,is no one indicator that a person is experiencing a mental health Monicas dedication to creatingemergency or may attempt suicide, but here are some signs to safer environments for communitieslook for. The person may be:is evident. Before relocating toMonica Lara Unable to complete daily tasks like getting dressed, brushing Washington from New Mexico, sheteeth, bathing, etc.worked with victims of domesticVerbally saying, writing or insinuating that theyd like to kill violence and sexual assault. themselves and/or talking about death.Since joining the City of Des Moines in late 2022, Monica has played a pivotal role in supporting both the community and lawWithdrawing from friends, family and their typical social enforcement officers - leveraging her expertise to assist thosesituations.in need. Her passion for helping others shines through in herShowing impulsive or reckless behavior, being aggressive.commitment to making a positive impact. nse SpecialistA Day in the Life of a Crisis Respo Having dramatic shifts in mood, sleeping or eating patterns.Loss of touch with reality (psychosis): unable to recognize What does a typical day look like for Monica? While each dayfamily or friends, confuse, strange ideas, thinks they are can present unique challenges, Monicas role generally involvessomeone they are not, doesnt understand what people are assessing potential risks,saying, hearing voices, seen things that arent there.developing responseParanoia: intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts strategies, and liaising24- often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy.with other emergencyHour Crisis Line 886-427-4747 or 988services to ensure a cohesive approach.The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to Her responsibilitiesindividuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. also includeKing County 211supporting PD as well as communityProvides the most comprehensive information on health outreach to enhanceand human services in King County. Whether its for housing preparedness andassistance, help with financial needs, or to find the location of the resilience. Thisnearest food bank. covery Help Line 866-789-1511consists of assistingWashington Repatrol and the community with 911 calls, doingOffers an anonymous, confidential 24-hour help line for follow up with referrals from patrol, doing outreach with theWashington residents. For those experiencing substance use unhoused community in Des Moines.disorder, problem gambling, and/or mental health challenges. 8|DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|FALL 2024'