b'P in partnership with the Citysconcurrently with the comprehensiveevaluate options for middle housing Middle Housing Regulations Updatelanning for Middle Housing in Des Moines is well underwayCommunity Development Department and its consultant, AHBL! Together, we will conduct public outreach associated with integrating Middle Housing into the Citys policies and regulatory structure.What is Middle Housing? plan update. The City is currentlyin Des MoinesMiddle housing is defined asworking on the periodic review andPreparing draft regulation buildings that are compatible in scale,update to our comprehensive planamendmentsform, and character with single-familythat is due by December 31, 2024. TheProviding assistance related to houses and contain two or morereview and adoption of the developmentthe adoption of Middle Housing dwelling units. Middle housing types canregulations to implement HB 1110 willregulations and comprehensive include duplexes, townhouses, cottageoccur between January and June 2025.plans updateshousing and others. The purpose is toCity staff and AHBL created a task list forSo far, the first three tasks have been Middle Housing work that includes:completed!create more homes for WashingtonCreating a public engagement plan How can I get Involved?by increasing middle housing in areasPreparing maps to establish land traditionally dedicated to single-familycapacity for the construction ofAHBL created a website dedicated detached housing.What is the status of Middlemiddle housing units and areasto this Middle Housing project. Visit Housing in Des Moines? that may require additionalhttps://engage.ahbl.com/des-moines-infrastructure support middle-housing to stay in the loop about The initial work on the MiddlePreparing memos to identify choicesMiddle Housing and public participation Housing Grant project will runthat City decision-makers can use toopportunities in Des Moines.Over 49 years weve taught tens0 thA N N I of thousands of kids to swim, r5 V E helped seniors maintaino u R their mobility, and been thetraining site for statet o S A50 champion swim teams n R and both world andY Olympic champions.w near our bigCelebrate with us as weo 5-0dtnuoCmount rainier poolContact us today206-824-4722www.MtRainierPool.com22722 19 thAve SDes Moines12|DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|FALL 2024'