b'Maritime High SchoolM aritime High School in Desrounded education plus the industryWhen not participating in off-campus Launches Third Career PathwayStudents to Earn Shipyard Welding CertificateMoines launches its newcertifications necessary to jumpstarttraining and learning experiences, juniors Marine Construction programfuture career paths. and seniors in all three pathways work in September. Marine welding students will spendwith Maritime High School instructors Maritime High School juniors andpart of each day at a training centeron complementary projects, with a blend seniors now have three pathways tolocated at Seattles Harbor Islandof academic and hands-on learning choose from: Marine Construction, MarineShipyard. Bus transportation is provided. opportunities.Science, and Vessel Operations.The Harbor Island Training CenterLearn more about the new Marine Students who choose the Marineis jointly operated by Vigor IndustrialConstruction pathway on the Maritime Construction program will receiveShipyards and South Seattle College.High School website at gethps.info/hands-on shipyard training and earn aThis pathway is funded throughmarine-construction.maritime shipyard welding certificateRunning Start and funds raised byMaritime High School is operated by to become highly employable marineNorthwest Maritime Center. Highline Public Schools and located at the welders. Teachers, mentors andMaritime High School BlendsOlympic Interim Site, 615 South 200th industry professionals provide a well- Academic & Hands-on Learning Street in Des Moines.DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|FALL 2024|13'